15 Work From Home Tips for Employees to Stay Productive

Work From Home Tips

With all the changes and adjustments that have been happening since the pandemic, working from home (WFH) has been the work setup trend for most businesses. Although some employees may have already been working remotely prior for some time now, others may still be coping with this new arrangement.  

While working from home may sound convenient, it poses some challenges to employees. For some, remote work means more distractions, social isolation, and less productivity. Also, work-from-home eliminates the collaboration and connection of employees with one another. So here are some tips on making work-from-home successful for employees. 

1. Identify working hours 

Adhering to a personalized schedule is key when working from home, creating structure and improving focus. A well-crafted work-from-home schedule ensures tasks are performed when energy levels are highest, thereby enhancing productivity and maintaining mental health. Here’s how to create a sustainable work schedule that aligns with both professional aims and personal well-being: 

Plan Your Day with Precision

Begin by laying out your tasks at the start of each day. Allocate specific times for different work activities, ranging from deep-focus projects to administrative responsibilities, and use scheduling apps like Clockwise to manage your day efficiently. This not only assists in maximizing productivity but also offers visibility into your workload for colleagues and managers. 

Peak Productivity Periods

Take advantage of early-morning vitality by scheduling your most challenging tasks during this time. By applying Pareto’s Principle, tackle the critical 20% early on that will yield 80% results. Alongside this, it’s crucial to observe personal productivity patterns. If you find yourself consistently energized in the afternoon, pivot your schedule to include demanding tasks during these peak hours instead. 

Smart Scheduling and Parkinson’s Law

Use intelligent tools to streamline meetings, as it effortlessly records, transcribes, and takes notes, enabling you to focus on the interaction. To combat procrastination, apply Parkinson’s Law by setting slightly shorter deadlines. This will create a sense of urgency and encourage faster completion of tasks, thus avoiding unnecessary stress. 

Don’t forget to account for personal responsibilities, particularly if you’re caring for family or pets. These obligations might necessitate a more flexible schedule, where work is divided into several blocks throughout the day. Be upfront with your family about your work schedule to avoid interruptions. 

Additionally, choices in remote work arrangements range from the conventional 9-to-5 to more flexible setups. Workers, especially with progressing age or care responsibilities, might prefer alternatives like: 

Fixed Schedule

Adhering to consistent start and end times each day. 

Flex Time

Having a core period of the day dedicated to availability, with flexibility on either end. 

Compressed Workweeks

Fitting full-time hours into fewer days. 

Split Shifts

Dividing work hours into separate blocks to accommodate other responsibilities or energy levels. 


Adjusting work hours to fit client needs or personal preferences, often without a set routine. 

The key here is to leverage the autonomy that working remotely from home grants, enabling a fitting schedule that optimizes personal productivity while embracing a fulfilling work-life balance. Tailoring your work schedule and environment in alignment with the tips for working from home ensures not only productivity but also the sustainability of a remote work lifestyle. 

2. Make ground rules for family members 

When transitioning to a work-from-home setup, it’s imperative to establish clear ground rules with family members to avoid disruptions and foster a productive work environment. These rules serve as a framework for balancing professional responsibilities with personal life, ensuring that everyone’s needs are respected and met. 

Set Clear Work Hours

Just as you would have set hours in an office environment, delineate specific times when you’re “on the clock” and shouldn’t be disturbed, barring emergencies. For instance, stipulate that between 9 AM and 5 PM, you’re working remotely and need to minimize interruptions. 

Designate a Workspace

Choose a specific area that is purely for work-related endeavors, ideally separate from communal living spaces. Communicate to your household that this area is akin to an office cubicle or meeting room, and should be treated with the same respect for privacy and quietude. 

To ensure everyone in your household is onboard, here are additional guidelines to consider: 

Establish Boundaries for Home Activities

Outline what types of activities are permissible during work hours. Loud music, television at high volume, or non-urgent conversations should be saved for break times or after work hours to maintain a professional atmosphere at home. 

Shared Calendars and Internal Briefings

Use a shared digital calendar to mark key work commitments and coordinate with your spouse or partner on childcare and household chores. An “internal” morning briefing can set expectations and help plan the day’s logistics, especially for dual-career households. 

Mark Virtual Meeting Modes

Clearly note in your shared calendar or through direct communication if a scheduled call will include video to prevent accidental intrusions. 

Speaker and Background Noise Consideration

If you need to use a speakerphone for meetings, do so in a way that minimizes disturbance to others working at home. Similarly, encourage family members to be mindful of their noise levels during your calls. 

Define Break Time Activities

Work-from-home tips often emphasize the importance of taking regular breaks to maintain productivity and mental well-being. Encourage family members to align chores, socializing, or engaging with you during these designated times. 

By following these work-from-home advice tips and setting these ground rules, you not only enhance your ability to work remotely from home successfully but also contribute to a harmonious household. Remember, flexibility and open communication are vital; regularly review and adjust these arrangements to meet the evolving needs of both your professional responsibilities and your family life. 

a blonde woman sitting at a table writing on a notebook
Photo by George Milton 

3. End your day with a routine 

Setting a definitive endpoint to your workday is not only beneficial for work-life balance but essential in preventing the lines between home and work from blurring—an issue many remote workers face. To delineate work time from personal time effectively and foster a practice that guards against burnout, consider adopting a structured end-of-day routine: 

Set a Firm Stopping Time

One of the best ways to work from home successfully is to have a specific time that marks the end of your work activities. This technique enshrines boundaries and leads to more structured days when working remotely from home. 

Workspace Organization

Before logging off, spend a few minutes organizing your workspace. Cleaning up clutter and preparing your station for the next workday can enhance tomorrow’s productivity and allow for a smoother start. Here’s how to tidy your virtual and physical workspace: 

  • Secure Data: Back up crucial work files and close tabs on your computer for digital neatness. 
  • Physical Clean-up: File away documents, clear the desk, and sanitize your work area, ready for a fresh morning. 

Reflect on the Day’s Achievements

Take some time to think about what you accomplished, even if some tasks remain unfinished. Jotting down a few wins in a gratitude journal can affirm the progress you’ve made, contributing to a positive mindset. 

Plan for Tomorrow

Another tip to work from home effectively is preparing for the next day. Write a to-do list aligning with your work-from-home guide and set priorities for tomorrow’s tasks, offering a clear roadmap for your future workday. 

Shutdown Ritual

Physically shutting down your computer or closing the door to your home office signals your brain that work has ended. Incorporate consistent rituals, whether it’s turning off your workstation or changing out of your work attire. 

As part of your WFH tips, transitioning from your professional self to your personal life may also involve: 

Mindful Practices

Meditation or a simple breathing exercise can help you decompress and leave work stresses behind. 

Evening Routine

Engage in evening activities unrelated to work, such as cooking or a hobby, supporting the mental shift away from your professional role. 

By applying these tips for working from home at the end of each day, you establish a vital distinction between your professional and personal spheres. Implementing an evening routine is a critical work-from-home tip for maintaining work-life balance and ensuring you are refreshed and ready to tackle the next day’s challenges. 

4. Exercise regularly 

As the boundaries of office and home merge for remote workers, ensuring physical activity becomes a pivotal aspect of any comprehensive work-from-home guide. Incorporating regular exercise into your routine isn’t just beneficial for your body; it’s a proven booster for mental sharpness and productivity, essential components for anyone working remotely from home.  

Here’s how to seamlessly integrate physical fitness into your daily schedule as part of our practical tips for working from home: 

Ergonomic Movement

Given that remote work often means prolonged periods of sitting, ergonomic movements are essential. Consider investing in equipment such as an under-desk cycle or an elliptical, or simply follow the six tips to increase exercise: 

  • Movement Alerts: Utilize technology by setting reminders to stand and move every hour. 
  • Workout Scheduling: Just like any important meeting, schedule workouts in your calendar. 
  • Home Classes: Leverage virtual fitness classes for guided exercise sessions. 
  • Quick Workouts: Integrate shorter, yet effective bursts of bodyweight exercises throughout the day. 
  • Enjoyable Activities: Choose activities you love, from kickboxing to Pilates, to stay motivated. 
  • Equipment Investment: If space allows, invest in home exercise equipment that adds convenience to your routine. 

Commit to Consistency

To harness the full benefit of regular exercise, aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week. This can include exercises you can perform at home, such as: 

  • Aerobic Workouts: Use your stairs for stepping exercises, or join a jump rope session. 
  • Strength Training: Invest in resistance bands or weights for muscle-strengthening activities twice a week. 
  • Flexibility: Incorporate a daily routine of stretching or yoga to enhance flexibility and wind down after a day’s work. 

Integrating exercise into your work-from-home tips is easier when your environment supports it. Dedicate a specific corner of your living space for workouts, reinforcing the notion that maintaining physical health is as critical as meeting job performance metrics. Additionally, attach your new habit to an existing routine—for example, stretching right after your morning coffee—to build a sustainable practice. 

5. Take breaks 

In the realms of working remotely from home, the mart of frequent breaks holds a potent place among work-from-home tips. Given the risk of burnout that can stem from the blending of personal and work responsibilities, breaks are not just a pause but a restorative practice. Here’s an optimized strategy for integrating breaks into your work-from-home regimen: 

Timed Breaks for Sustained Productivity

Studies reveal that the brain can stay focused for 90 minutes before requiring a rest. Using this knowledge, you can set a timer to remind yourself to take breaks accordingly. The Pomodoro Technique, which creates intervals of 25 minutes of work followed by a five-minute breather, is a globally celebrated model. In contrast, seasoned professionals with a reservoir of focus may find a break every 2-3 hours more appropriate. These strategic pauses can serve to reset and refresh, which renders the extension of your zeal in your working-at-home journey. 

Engage in Non-Screen Activities

To mitigate the impact of continuous screen exposure, consider disconnecting from digital devices during your breaks. A mini workout, a stroll around the block, or a brief meditation can rejuvenate your senses. Enrich your break times with diverse activities: 

  • Physical Rejuvenation: Stretch or engage in a quick burst of exercise to reinvigorate the body and stave off sedentary strain. 
  • Mental Reset: Close your eyes, focus on your breathing, or solve a non-work-related puzzle. 
  • Nutritional Boost: Choose healthy snacks like fruits or almonds to sustain your energy levels. 

Adapt Breaks to Individual Needs

Unique preferences and work demands call for tailored break schedules. For those pondering how to work from home effectively, it might involve gradual adjustments. Earmark time to gaze away from screens every half hour to reduce eye strain—a simple yet powerful practice among tips to work from home. 

To cultivate this healthy habit, technological aids like alarms and calendar reminders play a supportive role, heralding the onset of break periods. A balanced approach would also intertwine quick moments of hydration or a snack rich with natural sugars or proteins to counter any fatigue creeping in. A laugh, achieved by briefly enjoying a humorous video or an engaging article, can re-energize the spirit, falling right in place within the spectrum of WFH tips. 

Professional woman working from home
Photo by freepik 

6. Dress for Success 

When adapting to the work-from-home environment, one lesser-discussed yet essential aspect resides in your attire choices. Dressing for success may initially seem less important when shifting away from the public office space, but how you dress can, in fact, greatly influence productivity levels and professional demeanor, even in the comfort of your own home. Here are some sartorial strategies to consider as part of your work-from-home tips: 

Dress to Define Your Work Mindset

Clothing plays a psychological role in transitioning to work mode. While comfort remains a priority, throwing on a blazer or a smart casual shirt for the day can mentally shift you into productivity mode. It’s not about formalwear, but about clothes that separate work from leisure in your mind. 

Choose Colors Wisely for Video Calls

If your work from home involves regular video conferences, pay attention to your choice of colors: 

  • Yellow promotes positivity and can spark creativity. 
  • Red commands confidence and vitality, making it suitable for leadership messages. 
  • Green and orange are seen as inspiring and energetic, perfect for brainstorming sessions. Ensuring your attire is appropriate, void of distracting patterns or too-casual ensembles aligns with the company’s image, and exhibits professionalism. 

Find Your Comfort-Presentability Balance

Combining comfort with presentability addresses two crucial aspects of working remotely. The right outfit can lift your mood and boost your self-assurance while allowing you to comfortably transition between work tasks and home responsibilities. For instance, opt for comfortable yet polished tops paired with more relaxed bottoms – presentable for video calls and cozy enough for seated work. 

In the arena of how to work from home, it’s about creating a personal uniform that signals the brain it’s time for serious business. This not only is a strategic move for self-perception but also keeps you ready for impromptu video calls, projecting an image of readiness and confidence to clients and colleagues. When planning your work-from-home wardrobe, consider these guidelines: 

  • Prepare for Meetings: Always have a few go-to professional tops handy for unexpected video calls. 
  • Simplify Selections: Create a capsule wardrobe specifically for work, reducing decision fatigue in the mornings. 
  • Accessorize Minimally: On video calls, simple accessories eliminate any potential distractions, allowing for a clearer focus on the interaction. 

Embedding these tips for working from home into your daily routine underscores a key point – dressing well isn’t just for the eyes of others. It’s a reinforcement to oneself of standards, role, and the prevalent work-from-home advice that the best way to work from home is to mirror the elements of in-office professionalism, within the flexible framework that remote work allows. Working remotely crossbreeds the convenience of your personal space with the need for a professional approach; hence, curating a conducive wardrobe becomes a smart psychological strategy in the extensive work-from-home guide. 

7. Try meal prepping 

As the narrative of work-from-home tips continues, embracing the art of meal prepping emerges as a notable strategy to manage nutrition and time while working remotely. The process of meal prepping—a tactical method of planning, cooking, and packaging meals in advance—aligns perfectly with the bustling schedule of working from home. Here’s how you can integrate this savvy approach into your remote work routine: 

Strategic Planning

Begin with mapping out your meals for the week. Use a simple formula like Basic (Protein + Grain + Vegetable) or Low Carb (Protein + Vegetable + Vegetable) to ensure a balanced diet. This preliminary effort saves invaluable time during the workweek and establishes a framework for nutritional intake. 

  • Batch Cooking: Over the weekend, invest a couple of hours to cook in bulk. Focus on versatile ingredients that can be mixed and matched—quinoa or rice, roasted veggies, grilled chicken, and various beans are staples that hold up well and can be creatively used in multiple meals. 
  • Appropriate Storage: Invest in quality containers that keep your meals fresh and are microwave-safe for convenient reheating. Varied sizes help in managing portion control and reducing food waste—an essential tip for working from home efficiency.  

Economical and Time-saving

Allocating time for meal prepping contributes to a reduction in grocery bills and eliminates the often expensive temptation of takeout food. Moreover, it ensures you have quick access to healthy, home-cooked meals, precluding any time lost pondering the perennial question of “What’s for lunch?” 

  • Recipe Simplicity: Select recipes that have overlapping ingredients and are easy to execute. Clean eating meal prep recipes can be a treasure trove of ideas for anyone wondering how to work remotely without compromising on meal quality. 
  • Utilization of Leftovers: Planned correctly, dinner’s components can become the next day’s lunch with minor tweaks, maximizing resources and adding variety. 

Health and Productivity Enhancement

By reducing the mental load of meal decisions and the physical time required to prepare them on a busy weekday, meal prepping stands as a crucial component in the extended work-from-home guide. If you’re pondering how to work from home more effectively, having predetermined meals can help maintain steady blood sugar levels through regular, balanced meals, thus improving focus and productivity while working remotely. 

Integrating these work-from-home tips regarding meal prepping into your daily life not only furnishes you with more time to dedicate to your work and personal development but also affords a sense of control over your well-being. This empowering tactic not only resonates through the lens of working at home but also dovetails into the broad spectrum of maintaining a healthy lifestyle irrespective of workplace location.  

Related post: 10 Types of Virtual Assistants and Their Benefits 

8. Designing Your Workspace 

Designing a workspace that enhances productivity while working remotely is a crucial element of a well-rounded work-from-home guide. When you create an area specifically for working, you establish a psychological and physical boundary that helps differentiate between personal and professional life. 

Select the Right Spot

The ideal home office is a dedicated, quiet corner that is removed from the hustle and bustle of household life. This clear demarcation helps to mentally switch into ‘work mode’ and maintain focus, which is beneficial for those wondering how to work from home effectively. When setting up, you should consider the following aspects: 

  • Minimize Distractions: Choose a location that is removed from common areas to reduce interruptions. 
  • A View if Possible: If available, position the desk near a window. A glimpse of the outside world can offer a refreshing break for the eyes and mind during long hours of work. 

Ergonomics and Comfort

Investing in ergonomic furniture is one of the pivotal work-from-home tips. An adjustable chair that supports the back and promotes good posture can alleviate physical strain, while a desk at the right height can prevent arm and wrist pains. To optimize their comfort and productivity, they might consider: 

  • Standing Desk: Introducing a height-adjustable desk encourages movement and is a smart tactic in the ‘best way to work from home’ strategy. 
  • Keyboard and Mouse: Ergonomic designs can reduce strain on the hands and wrists, subsidizing health in their daily work routine. 

Illuminate Effectively

Good lighting is a fundamental aspect of work-from-home tips for designing a conducive workspace. 

  • Natural Light: It boosts mood and can improve work performance. Arrange the workspace so that they benefit from as much natural light as possible. 
  • Task Lighting: In addition to overhead lighting, desk lamps provide focused lighting to reduce eye strain, especially when natural light fades. 

When working remotely from home, a well-organized desk is synonymous with a well-organized mind. Implement organizational systems to ensure office supplies and documents are neatly arranged, thus saving valuable time and reducing stress. Elements like cable management systems keep wires in check and contribute to a clutter-free environment, which, according to studies, can enhance decision-making and efficiency. 

Lastly, infusing personal touches creates a workspace that’s not only functional but also enjoyable to work in. Adding plants, which can improve air quality and offer a visual break, or motivational quotes to keep spirits high, can make significant differences. True work-from-home advice underscores the importance of a workspace that not only fosters productivity but also personal well-being. 

9. Eat, sleep, work, and repeat 

In embracing the work-from-home lifestyle, there’s a mantra that’s worth internalizing—eat well, sleep sufficiently, work diligently, and commit to a repeatable rhythm. This health-conscious, productive cycle forms the backbone of a successful remote work experience. Here are ways to integrate this routine: 

Scheduled Nourishment

They should schedule intent meal times just as they would a work meeting—breakfast, lunch, and dinner at consistent times daily. This schedule cuts down on random snacking and ensures that each meal is a mindful activity. For working remote warriors, meal prepping comes into play again, allowing them to have balanced, homemade meals ready to fuel a day’s work. 

  • Smart Snacking: When hunger strikes between meals, it’s crucial to reach for snacks that boost energy without negatively impacting productivity. Nuts, fruits, and yogurt are on the A-list for maintaining focus and energy levels without the sluggish aftermath often followed by sugary or processed alternatives. 

Quality Sleep

Sleep is the unsung hero of the work-from-home tips pantheon. Achieving a restful seven to nine hours each night is not negotiable—it’s essential. A good night’s sleep helps maintain cognitive functions, keeps hunger hormones in check, and provides the energy necessary to tackle a full day of remote work. 

  • Establish a Sleep Schedule: Going to bed and waking up at the same time daily sets the circadian rhythm, promoting better sleep quality. 
  • Create a Restful Environment: Ensuring the bedroom is dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature can greatly enhance the quality of sleep. 
  • Wind-Down Ritual: It’s beneficial to have a pre-sleep routine, such as reading or gentle stretching, to signal the body it’s time to wind down. 

Disciplined Workflow

They should dedicate specific hours to the day’s tasks and adhere to them faithfully. Breaks, as mentioned before, are non-negotiable. These restful pauses in the workday allow for recalibration and prevent burnout—a critical aspect of working remotely from home. 

Applying this trinity of eating right, getting adequate rest, and committing to a focused work ethic makes for a trifecta that drives the best way to work from home. It’s a proactive approach that not only fosters productivity but also ensures that the worker’s psychological and physiological needs are met. The added element of repetition ensures that the routine becomes second nature, crafting a flow that primes remote professionals for ongoing success while keeping the door firmly closed to the adverse effects of remote work burnout. 

10. Build trust with your managers 

In an environment bereft of traditional in-person interactions, a remote professional’s rapport with their managers is key to maintaining not only performance but also career progression. Cultivating trust is the cornerstone of this relationship, with transparency and proactive communication at its helm. Here are strategies pivotal for building trust with managers when navigating the terrain of working remotely: 

Visible Results Over Visibility

The conventional tethering of success to presenteeism has been rendered obsolete in the remote work context. Professionals are encouraged to orient their managers towards tangible outcomes rather than fixating on online status indicators. Demonstrating reliability through consistent delivery of results will substantiate their trustworthiness, showcasing that the best way to work from home revolves around accomplishments, not just activity levels. 

The Art of Overcommunication

This isn’t about flooding inboxes but about ensuring that managers are kept in the loop. By embracing tools and practices that support regular and structured updates, employees can mitigate the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ adage. Whether it’s a succinct daily email that highlights progress on projects or a weekly summary report, this level of sharing ensures that managers are adequately informed of contributions and progress, reinforcing a culture of openness which is a vital component of how to work remotely. 

Personalized Communication Strategies

  • Understanding Preferences: Ascertain and adapt to the preferred communication styles of managers – some may favor direct messages for quick sync-ups, while others might lean towards email or collaborative tools for detailed discussions. 
  • Scheduled Check-ins: Agree upon a frequency for one-on-one meetings that serve as forums for feedback and alignment on priorities, which can bolster the manager-remote employee relationship significantly. Regular sync-ups can range from short daily stand-ups to more comprehensive bi-weekly deep dives. 

Demonstrating Key Qualities

Benevolence, competence, and integrity cannot be overstressed in the virtual workplace. Reliability is conveyed when promises are kept and expectations are met or exceeded. A professional who maintains clear, honest communication even when mistakes occur or obstacles are encountered is far more likely to secure trust than one who does not disclose such issues. Remote workers are encouraged to foster an environment that promotes both candid self-assessment and an acknowledgment of their co-workers’ strengths, crafting a work culture reinforced by mutual respect and transparency. 

Empowerment through Autonomy

Balancing the need for supervision with granting autonomy is another trust-building method to incorporate into work-from-home advice. When managers delegate tasks with clarity and then trust in the employee’s capability to execute with minimal oversight, they are empowering their team. This autonomy, coupled with the employee’s accountable approach to their work, can lay a firm foundation for enduring trust. 

Commitment to Shared Goals

When working at home, aligning with the company’s vision and goals is particularly important. They should consistently communicate how individual work streams contribute to the broader objectives and solicit feedback on alignment. This strategic approach not only strengthens trust between the remote worker and management but also reinforces the employee’s investment in the company’s success. 

Integrating these tips to work from home into one’s professional approach—by fostering consistent communication, delivering results, and encapsulating the company’s values in day-to-day activities—steers the remote work experience towards growth, collaboration, and mutual success. This calculated approach to building trust with one’s managers fits neatly into the wider narrative of how to work from home successfully and is pivotal for any professional seeking to cement their place as a valued remote team member. 

Work From Home Tips
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko 

11. Staying Connected with Colleagues 

In the world of working from home where distance can create a disconnect, maintaining a strong bond with colleagues is like a well-oiled machine that keeps the workflow smooth and efficient. One effective strategy to nurture these relationships includes scheduling a “virtual coffee” with different team members during what would have been your commute time. This rekindles spontaneous conversations and fosters camaraderie.  

Video calls are the bridges that close the gap in communication that can arise when working remotely from home. Encouraging frequent video chats—and making video mandatory—ensures that nonverbal cues do not go amiss, and it’s almost as good as working side by side in real life. It enables those spontaneous ideas to flow just like they would in an office setting. Companies dedicated to remote working should encourage their teams to embrace certain techniques to keep the team spirit alive: 

Regular Virtual Meet-ups

Take the lead in planning virtual coffee breaks, lunches, or even shared meal preparations to mimic those invaluable mealtime connections. 

Visibility Buddies

Pair up with a colleague to become visibility partners who celebrate each other’s achievements publicly on company platforms like Slack, which combats the out-of-sight-out-of-mind mentality. 

Embrace the Unexpected

Create a culture where interruptions from pets or kids are normal and welcomed. 

Acknowledging the home office life and its unique challenges in public forums can normalize the remote work experience, making it more inclusive. Here are some inventive approaches to keep the human connection thriving while working at home: 

Keeping Spirits High

Customizing video call backgrounds can be a fun conversation starter, while company contests like Ugly Sweater or Costume Contests can foster camaraderie. 

Shared Challenges

Introduce group challenges related to diet, fitness, or even mental well-being to engage the team in communal activities. 

Thematic Interactions

From casual “Question of the Week” chats to interest-based group channels, these interactions help in learn about colleagues more intimately. 

Leveraging these tips for working from home not only maintains but strengthens connections, embracing the human element that binds any team. By incorporating these practices diligently and weaving them into the fabric of daily routines, they not only intensify their camaraderie but also enrich their collective work-from-home experience, encapsulating the essence of not just how to work from home, but how to work from home successfully. 

12. Ask for support 

Working from home necessitates not just self-motivation and discipline, but also the capacity to ask for support when needed. Whether it’s navigating technical difficulties or seeking clarity on a project, ensuring access to aid is a defining factor in any successful remote working strategy. Here are tailored approaches to integrate support into your remote work routine: 

Leverage Internal Knowledge Bases

Before reaching out, harnessing available company documentation can streamline problem-solving. Frequently asked questions and standard procedures are often outlined in company wikis or intranet, which can be a first line of assistance for many common issues faced while working remotely. 

Direct Communication Channels

For instances where guidance is required, utilizing designated communication platforms such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or even email can be highly effective. Whether it’s to ask a question to a coworker or to bring up a challenge in a team meeting, staying connected allows for collaborative problem-solving. Here’s a simple guideline to facilitate communication: 

  • Identify the Core Issue: Be clear about what assistance you need. 
  • Choose the Right Medium: Decide if a direct message, group chat, or call would be best for this particular issue. 
  • Contextualize Your Request: Provide background information to help colleagues understand the situation quickly. 

Network of Professional Support

Building relationships with colleagues goes beyond work-related tasks; it encompasses a network of support for sharing insights and overcoming the challenges of working remotely from home. Proactively offer and seek support from your peers: 

  • Mentorship: Identify colleagues or leaders within the organization from whom you can learn and request mentorship or guidance. 
  • Peer Collaboration: Set up regular check-ins with colleagues to create a reliable peer support system. 
  • Professional Communities: Enlist online communities relevant to your industry to garner broader perspectives and insights. 

Working at home often means being physically isolated, yet by upholding these strategies, you position yourself within a safety net, buffered by the collective expertise of your network. Whether you’re pondering ‘how can work from home more effectively’ or simply looking to streamline a particular process, adopting a stance that combines independence with the wisdom of collaboration underlines the best way to work from home. With support just a message or call away, any looming work-from-home challenges can be tackled with confidence and cooperation, highlighting that support systems hold a valuable place in the plethora of work-from-home tips. 

Related post: 8 Reasons Why You Need to Hire A Virtual Assistant 

13. Communicate effectively 

In the landscape of working from home, where physical cues are absent, effective communication is the linchpin that holds teamwork and collaboration together. Fostering an environment where empathy is shown towards colleagues navigating the remote work learning curve is pivotal. These communication strategies woven into work-from-home tips are instrumental for a coherent and connected remote work experience: 

Seed Empathy in Every Interaction

When reaching out to colleagues or replying to messages, show an understanding of the unique scenarios each individual may be facing while working remotely. Simple gestures such as sending a “good morning” text not only brighten up a colleague’s day but also strengthen the feeling of connectedness in the virtual workspace. 

Prioritize Video over Voice

While phone calls are convenient, they lack the visual component critical for nuanced communication. It’s recommended to leverage video meetings over voice calls whenever feasible to harness face-to-face interactions. These can: 

  • Enhance clarity through non-verbal cues 
  • Strengthen rapport among team members 
  • Provide a more personable means of discussing collaborative endeavors 

Establish Virtual Community Spaces

One of the insightful tips for working from home is facilitating virtual spaces akin to the office’s water cooler—a casual corner where non-work-related conversations flourish, helping team members unwind and build personal connections. Integrating activities such as virtual trivia nights or happy hours can replicate the communal vibe of physical workplaces. 

Centralize Communication

A clear communications plan and the use of a unified platform prevent fragmentation of information. By designating specific tools for immediate communication and others for in-depth discussions, employees can avoid the tangle of cross-platform messages that can lead to miscommunication while working remotely from home.  

Acknowledge and Adapt to Distance

Modify communication strategies based on the type of distance prevalent in a remote setup. Distance within an organization is not merely physical but can be operational, reflecting varying roles or functions, and affinity, relating to values or cultural norms.

Incorporating these facets into your work-from-home guide ensures that even when teams are apart, communication remains intact, vibrant, and effective. For those strategizing on the best way to work from home, these techniques are invaluable. They ensure that regardless of their physical location, employees remain in sync, fostering a workplace ethos that is conducive to shared success and supportive interactions.  

14. Stay connected 

In today’s digital landscape, “staying connected” goes beyond ensuring stable internet connectivity—it’s about maintaining human connections and nurturing relationships with colleagues and managers while working remotely. Here’s how individuals can leverage technology and creativity to stay bonded with teammates, an essential part of fostering collaboration and team spirit in a remote setting: 

Virtual Coffee Breaks

Mimic the traditional office break room atmosphere by organizing regular virtual coffee breaks via video conferencing. This initiative allows individuals and teams to share personal stories, laugh, and support each other, much like they would casually in an office environment. These breaks serve as a reminder that everyone is in this together, fortifying team unity. 

Interest-Based Virtual Groups

Encourage the creation of virtual groups revolving around shared interests or hobbies. Whether it’s a book club, a fitness challenge, or a gaming league, these groups give employees common ground to connect on a personal level, fostering a tight-knit community culture while working at home. 

Virtual Events and Celebrations

Celebrate birthdays, work anniversaries, and company milestones virtually. Organizing online events like a work-from-home outfit contest or a pet showcase can inject fun into the corporate routine and maintain the spirited vibe of the workplace. 

Collaboration Tools for Shared Goals

Leveraging real-time collaboration tools like Google Docs and Microsoft Sharepoint promotes a sense of teamwork and belonging. This approach facilitates effortless sharing and co-creation of documents, allowing ideas to flow seamlessly and ensuring everyone is on the same page—quite literally. 

Weekly Meetings and Check-Ins

Schedule weekly team meetings not only to discuss work-related projects but also to share personal achievements and interests. These gatherings can act as a support system, providing space for members to voice concerns and seek advice, thereby reiterating that while they may be working remotely from home, they aren’t alone. 

In the grand tapestry of work-from-home tips, actively nurturing connections through planned and spontaneous interactions is indispensable. By incorporating these practices into the daily remote work routine, professionals can maintain the camaraderie and collaborative spirit necessary for a thriving team dynamic.  

15. Actively participate in meetings 

In the digital wave of remote work, actively engaging in meetings has taken on a vital role in ensuring a productive virtual work environment. With the rise in virtual meetings since remote work has become more prevalent, these interactions now necessitate a more dynamic and participatory approach to mimic, and even enhance, the face-to-face meeting experience. Here are some essential strategies to ensure you’re fully engaged and adding value during online meetings: 

Prepare in Advance

To engage effectively, ensure you arrive at the meeting with a clear understanding of the agenda and any relevant documents at hand. Preparation will enable you to contribute meaningfully to the conversation and provide informed perspectives on the topics being discussed. 

Participation and Contribution

Actively participating in meetings is a cornerstone of working from home productively. Here’s how you can make your presence felt: 

  • Voice Your Ideas: Share your thoughts and suggestions confidently. Your contribution can lead to innovative solutions and strategies. 
  • Ask Insightful Questions: Drive the conversation deeper by asking questions that prompt further thinking and discussion. 
  • Offer Feedback: When colleagues present ideas, give constructive feedback. This not only fosters a collaborative atmosphere but also shows that you’re invested in the team’s success. 

Leverage Technology

Utilize the features of your meeting platform to enhance interaction. Raise a digital hand when you want to speak to avoid speaking over others, use reaction emojis for quick feedback, and engage in real-time polls if the platform supports them. 

By actively participating in meetings, not only do you cement your role as an engaged team member, but you also display a commitment to the collective success of your team’s remote working endeavors. This behavior reflects the how-to work from-home successfully principle: proactive involvement leads to a fulfilling remote work experience.  

Work From Home Tips
Photo by Karolina Grabowska 

Maintain excellence while working remotely 

In summary, these 15 work-from-home tips offer a comprehensive guide to navigating the challenges and maximizing the benefits of remote work. The tips emphasize leveraging technology to maintain connectivity with colleagues, streamline workflows, and foster collaboration, all while prioritizing mental and physical well-being. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routines, you can flourish in remote work settings and make meaningful contributions to the success of your organization. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Q1: What are the benefits of working from home? 

Working from home offers flexibility, eliminates commute time, reduces stress, and can increase productivity. 

Q2: How can I manage my mental health while working remotely? 

Practice self-care activities, maintain social connections outside of work, and seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals if needed. 

Q3: How can I maintain a work-life balance while working from home? 

Set boundaries between work and personal time, establish a routine, take regular breaks, and prioritize self-care activities. 

Q4: How can I ensure cybersecurity while working from home? 

Use secure Wi-Fi networks, enable firewalls and antivirus software, and avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown attachments. 

Q5: What should I do if I encounter technical difficulties or equipment malfunctions while working from home? 

Troubleshoot basic technical issues yourself using online resources or contact your company’s IT support team for assistance. If necessary, consider investing in backup equipment or having a contingency plan in place. 

Q6: Could you share some “work from home health tips” to avoid common health issues associated with remote work?

Certainly, maintaining your health is crucial when working remotely. Our health tips include:

  • Eye Care: Follow the 20-20-20 rule (every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds) to reduce eye strain.
  • Posture: Maintain a good posture by using an ergonomic chair and keeping your monitor at eye level.
  • Movement: Make it a point to stand or walk for a few minutes every hour to keep your circulation flowing and prevent muscle stiffness.

Q7: What “remote work from home tips” do you have for someone just transitioning to a work-from-home setup?

Transitioning to remote work can be challenging, but these tips can make it smoother:

  • Tech Setup: Invest in reliable technology and internet to ensure you can work efficiently without technical disruptions.
  • Time Management: Use tools and apps to help manage your tasks and time effectively.
  • Adaptability: Be open to adjusting your strategies and workflows as you find what works best for your new work environment.

At One CoreDev IT (CORE), we specialize in offering premium talent solutions across various domains, including back-office, project management, software development, and more. Our solutions are expertly crafted to facilitate seamless, perfectly tailored to meet your business needs!

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